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Physio Foundations podcast episode 1

Welcome to Physio Foundations: Build solid foundations for your clinical practice

Physio foundations episode 1

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Episode details

Welcome to the first episode of Physio Foundations, a podcast about the knowledge and skills that provide the foundation of expert clinical practice.


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EPISODE transcript


Note: Physio Foundations is available as an audio and video podcast on the Perraton Physio YouTube channel. You can access closed captions for available episodes on YouTube or review the audio transcript below. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcription and may contain errors. Please check the audio before quoting in print.





Hello, I’m Luke Perraton, and welcome to the physio foundations podcast.


I’m really happy that you chose to click on this video, or listen to this podcast, and I’m looking forward to you joining me on your own personal and professional development journey as a clinician or a student.


This is a podcast about the knowledge and skills that provide the foundation of expert physiotherapy or clinical practice. The podcast is not just for physiotherapists, other types of clinicians will find value in what I’m talking about as well. But the episodes are going to come from my perspective as a physiotherapist and a physiotherapy educator, and the perspectives of my guests.

So why is the podcast called physio foundations.  Well, you need solid foundations to be successful at anything. As a clinician, you need to build on your foundations throughout your career and when you focus your attention on building your foundations in anything over time, this is what allows you to develop expertise. 


There are a lot of podcasts about expert clinical practice. The focus is often ‘cutting edge content’ presented by an expert, and the emphasis is often the things that you need to be doing, or the things you need to add to your practice, if you want to be an expert too. And there’s nothing wrong with that.  But I’m coming from this as both a clinician and from an education perspective, and specifically as an educator who works in the first year of a bachelor of physiotherapy course, where the focus is developing fundamental, or foundational, knowledge and skills in students. These are skills that students will build upon throughout their career.


So, for you, as a clinician, or a student, or even a fellow educator, I’m going to be able to bring you content that offers you real value in terms of developing your own foundations. And developing your foundations is something you need to proactively do, throughout your whole career, starting as a student, and as a new graduate clinician and then as an expert clinician.  


Physio Foundations is about foundational knowledge and skills that underpin expert clinical practice. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that foundational means basic, or easy, or something that you learn once and then progress to the next level…  Your foundations are what you use every day to be an expert.

We are going to be going deep on many topics. For example, I’m going to do whole episodes on how you can develop specific aspects of your communication… there will be episodes specifically on providing explanations and demonstrations to patients, because these are foundational skills that allow you to deliver a high quality patient education, so they’re really important. 


I’m going to have episodes on things to consider when giving warnings to patients…very specific topic. There will also be episodes that are focused on your own personal development as a clinician and we’ll get experts to guide you on how you can strategically plan your career.  I’ll have episodes that come from an education perspective that focus on how to learn as a student and an adult. This is something that is vital for both your learning at university and for your lifelong learning. 


I’ll also have episodes that are more focused on your patient outcomes and conditions.  For examples, I have episodes planned on clinical decision making, and physical examination skills, and exercise programming and prescription, and patient education, and behaviour change, and using evidence in your practice….. If we find ourselves talking about a specific condition that you aren’t that interested in, or your don’t see often as a clinician, you’ll find that the underlying messages of the episode are still valuable. Its going to be the thinking and clinical decision making that will be key message, and you’ll be able to apply that thinking to your own patients and context.


I’ll also have episodes on anatomy, biomechanics, physiology and evidence-based practice to help you brush up on your knowledge and to give you tips on how to remember and apply this knowledge – and these are the types of tips I give to students when I teach.  


With the help of guests I’m going to explore specific clinical problems and topics in cardiothoracic, neurological, paediatrics, geriatrics, women’s health, sports, occupational physio, and any other field of physio or healthcare that is relevant to physiotherapy professional development. You can learn so much by stepping outside your field of interest. If you do identify as a specific type of clinician, I encourage you to try some different things. Dig into some episodes on different topics and this will add depth to your knowledge as a clinician.


The aim is to keep the discussions and topics broad and of interest to a wide range of clinicians and students, inside and outside the physiotherapy profession. I want to make a resource that you can use to reflect on the many different aspects of your practice and something that will be valuable and helpful to you.  And rather than being just a summary of information, the focus will be on you and your personal and professional development journey as a clinician.


The format of the podcast will be a combination of solo episodes with me and interviews with guests. I have some great guests lined up! Stay tuned and stick around, you are going to learn a lot from these people!


A quick word about me. As of the start of 2022 I have worked as a physiotherapist and physiotherapy educator and researcher for 20 years. I’ve just turned 20.  I have qualifications as a sports and exercise physiotherapist and a musculoskeletal physiotherapist as titled by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.  I did my PhD and post-doctoral research on biomechanics and function of the knee joint. So we’ll definitely have a chat about the knee at some stage, amongst many other topics.


I work in the physiotherapy department of Monash university in Melbourne, Australia, at the Peninsula campus.  Our campus is located in Frankston, which is in the south east of Melbourne down on the edge of port phillip bay, and I am very lucky to work with friends and colleagues from many different areas of physiotherapy. It’s a pretty exciting place to work and seek inspiration for what I’ll be talking about on this podcast. So, we’ll have no shortage of guests and fun things to talk about. For the last 15 years I have been married to the other half of Perraton Physio, Zuzana Perraton, nee Zuzana Machotka. And we have just moved down to Mount Eliza which is close to the peninsula campus down on the beach.  So, we’re very happy


Even though I work at Monash university, this podcast is hosted by me through Perraton Physio. I’m going to be writing, recording, producing and promoting episodes outside of my hours at Monash, and this is really a passion project that I have wanted to do for a long time... I won’t be making any money from it, I won’t be running ads, and I won’t be asking you for any money. So its all free for you and I hope its really valuable. But, there is no point in me making this content if very few people are seeing it or hearing it. So, if you find the content valuable, the way you can ‘pay me’ is to simply hit the like button, or share the episode to relevant groups or pages or to friends online. And this will help get this information out to the people who need to hear it. If you prefer watching things you can find Physio Foundations episodes on the Perraton Physio YouTube channel – just google Perraton Physio Youtube and it will pop up.  And if you have found these episodes on YouTube and want to listen when you’re out and about, head to your favourite podcast app and look up Physio Foundations.  Also, check out our website which is Perraton.Physio where you can find our blog and read more about these topics, so that URL is Perraton.Physio.  I don’t know if there are any other Perratons out there who are also physios… if there are, drop me a line and say hello!


So once again, welcome to the physio foundations podcast. If you become a regular listener I would love to hear from you. Let me know what you think of the episodes and share your experiences. If you’re a student, or an educator at another university, it could be a physio course or another other health professions course, it doesn’t matter. There are no trade secrets being spilled here, I’m not going to talk about specifically about physiotherapy curriculum, or get into conversations with people online about this, and talk about things that should and shouldn’t be taught at universities….  this is all off limits. This podcast is going to be a friendly, safe place where clinicians, students and educators can share ideas about foundational physiotherapy skills and knowledge.  So, please get in touch with me. You can email me at, or look up my monash email address if you want to, or you already use it…  You can contact me on the Perraton Physio Facebook page, or send me a tweet @PerratonPhysio. I’ll add these addresses and handles in the show notes.


Coming up in the next episode is Associate Professor Peter Malliaras from Monash university talking about the foundational knowledge and skills that helped him become an expert in tendinopathy and a leading researcher in this field. This will be really helpful for clinicians of all levels, so students, new grads and experts, don’t miss it.


And that’s it, we’re live. I hope you will join me as a regular listener, and until next time, this is your host Luke Perraton wishing you all the best with your studying, professional development and lifelong learning.



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